

How to Get Rid of The Double Chin

There is nothing scary about a few extra pounds. Some people not only do not mind them, but even like them. It gives a person a sense of a healthy look and makes them attractive. But there is one part of your body that you for sure would not like to have any extra fat. And this part is the chin. It s not only very hard to hide it because it is in such a central place, but it does not make a good impression to people.

Even though a lot of people think that only overweight people have double chins, this is not exactly true. An interesting fact is that even if some people do not have extra fat on other parts of their bodies, they have double chin. Do not worry, even if it seems hard to get rid of this fat, because it is not like that you can go to the gym to train it, it is still not impossible. Here are the best tricks that will help you get rid of your double chin. The good thing is that most of them are home remedies and you can find the ingredients easily.

1. Sugar-free gum

The best way to train your facial muscles is when you chew something. And since you do not want to gain wait by eating constantly, instead of chewing food, grab a chewing gum. The more you chew it, the more you will train your facial muscles including those ones, which are on your chin. But of course, there are some things you need to remember: do not start chewing gum early in the morning before having breakfast. This will make your stomach really angry because you are lying it that you are about to give it some food, but you are not. Another thing you should remember about chewing gum is that even if you are used to doing this a lot, you will still have to change the gum from time to time. Do not chew the same gum more than half an hour, it is bad for your teeth.

2. Cocoa Butter

Making some delicious cake using cocoa butter could sound nice, but what will make you even more exited is another of the uses of the cocoa butter. Here is how to do it: get a few tablespoons of cocoa butter and warm them in a microwave for a couple of minutes. Then apply it on your chin and start gently massaging it. You will also find its effect very relaxing. Repeat the procedure as often as you can, about twice a day at least – in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. When used regularly cocoa butter will improve the elasticity of your skin. The massaging will also increase the blood flow in this part of your body and will make your muscles work.

3. Egg Whites

Egg whites have a lot of good effects on a person’s body. Some women use it with their hair masks to improve the strength of their hair. And now you will find that egg whites, except from being very delicious, can also help you get rid of the double chin. Here is what to do: get two eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. You can make a nice omelet with the yolks, or you can use them on your hair. Egg yolks make your hair shiny.

Now add to the egg whites one tablespoon of milk, honey, and lemon juice. Mix them all together. Then add a couple of drops of essential oil to the mixture. And your mixture is ready. Apply it on your chin and leave it like this for about thirty minutes. If you will feel more comfortable lie down while you are waiting for the mixture to do its job. Then rinse it with lukewarm water. Pat dry your skin with a clean towel. Repeat the procedure again soon. For quicker results, do this once daily.

4. Glycerin

If you cannot find your recipe for getting rid of the double chin in the upper ones, here is one more that could be your favorite one. The main ingredient is glycerin. Here is what to do: mix one tablespoon of glycerin with ½ tablespoon of Epsom salt and a few drops of peppermint oil. Mix them well. Then using a cotton pad, start applying the mixture on your chin. Stay like this for several minutes so that the mixture is absorbed in your skin. And only then rinse your skin with cool water.

For better results repeat the procedure again, about 5 times a week.

If you like more than one of the methods, combine them to meet the best results possible.

