

The Secret To A Great Manicure

Ever polish your nails at home and wonder why on earth you did not achieve salon results? Think big picture! Your nails may be the fine art at center focus, but the frame around it is equally important to tie in the perfect look.

Moisturized Skin And Cuticles Are Critical To A Salon Finish. Here Are 5 Tips To Keep Your Hands Moisturized Year Round:

  1. Stay hydrated. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. Dehydration will suck the moisture out of your skin, leaving you with dry, rough and itchy skin. Think of your hands like the leaves of a plant – keep the plant watered and the leaves remain green, healthy, smooth and nourished. Don’t water it and watch it wilt, dry up, lose its vitality. Your skin counts on your water intake!
  1. Apply quality hand cream and use it daily. We love Organic Olive Essence Hand Cream. Try warming the cream before application. Simply put a bit of hand cream in a microwavable container and heat in the microwave for 10 seconds. This will help open your skin’s pores absorbing even more moisture/hydration from the cream. Have extreme dry skin? Condition while you sleep! Apply warm extreme moisture cream before you sleep and wear fitted, soft, 100% cotton gloves to bed. By morning your hands will be super soft and conditioned.
  1. Protect your hands from the elements. Be it cold weather, washing dishes, spot cleaning clothing/wash, or simply being out in the sun – protect your hands by wearing gloves and applying SPF hand cream. The elements will dry out your hands significantly, the chemicals will irritate and dry out your skin – not to mention age you unnecessarily with sun spots.
  1. Seasonal smarts. Increase hand cream applications during dry summers and cold winters. Extreme weather conditions are a major contributor to dry and flaky skin. Apply lotion twice daily, once in the morning and once before bedtime. While you sleep, the moisture will soak into your skin and nails without being “stripped” during hand washing sessions, which occur during daytime hours.
  1. Moisturize cuticles. Before you moisturize, prep your cuticles. Take a shower or soak your hands in luke warm water for 10-15 minutes. If your cuticles look overgrown or thick, push them back gently with a cuticle tool. Then, choose a cuticle balm or oil, apply and let soak.

Now that your hands and cuticles are moisturized, and wah lah you've achieved a perfect salon finish! Following the easy steps above will not only keep your hands looking young and gorgeous, it will also enhance the look of your manicures all year round.

