

3 Easy Ways To Fix Chipped Nail Polish and Nail Regrowth

So you just got a shiny new manicure and you like this nail colour so much you want to keep it on forever. But then ‘Snap!’ and it chips. Or, your manicure survives the chipping but nail regrowth is too obvious. Fear not, nail art warriors, there are a few quick ways to cover it up. Keep reading to find out how to fix chipped polish and/or nail regrowth and give your plain manicure new life as a fabulous nail art!
1. How To Fix Chipped Tips

Easy! Just do a fabulous French manicure with a nail colour that compliments your base colour. First, with a flat nail art brush soaked in nail polish remover smooth the chipped area, so the edges are not sticking out like rocks. Then use these French manicure stencils to create the French Tip on all nails. Alternatively, you can freehand the French tips with a liner brush. Finish your manicure by applying 2 coats of a quick dry top coat. Make sure you ‘wrap’ your nail tips with each coat of polish and top coat to prevent further chipping. For step by step instructions with photos check out this French manicure tutorial. 

2. How To Fix Nail Regrowth

Ruffian Manicure or Sideway Ruffian are the best way to cover nail regrowth. This one is a bit more complicated than a French manicure but still, totally doable. You don’t need smoothing the regrowth edges. Simply, using a curving nail art brush create an inverted half-moon detail on each nail by filling in the regrowth area with a complimenting nail colour. Alternatively (and much easier!), use these French manicure stencils to create the perfect inverted curve. Finish your manicure by applying 2 coats of a quick dry top coat.

3. How To Fix Chipped Tips AND Nail Regrowth

To cover both, chipped tips and nail regrowth combine French and Ruffian manicures in one look, as pictured. To get the look follow the steps as described above (Way 1 & 2). Also, this Edgy Nail design (includes tutorial) is a great option for covering both chipped tips and nail regrowth. And, just for the record, the green manicure pictured above is 2 weeks old. See? These techniques really work!
Now, over to you!
Have you tried any of the above techniques for fixing chipped manicure and nail regrowth? Any other ‘savior’ nail art ideas that we should add to the list? Come on, share your tips – the more the better!

