

Nail Malnutrition, What Could We Do?

Nail malnutrition means the nails are unhealthy, what is the cause of these conditions, what is the bad phenomenon? How to judge it, what could we do?

Healthy people, the surface of the nail is smooth, shiny, pale red. On the contrary, the nails often thinning, turbidity, deformation, fragile, the surface of the nail is rough and no shiny, often vertical ridge and stripping.

Nails are derived from the skin, and it is the same as hair, consist of protein, but the composition of this protein is hard. Hard does not mean it is not fragile. In fact, many problems with nails are caused by 'malnutrition'.

In clinical practice, we found that many patients always think the nail problem is the lack of calcium. In fact, nail nutrition has nothing connection with calcium, but closely related to vitamins. Sometimes the nail appears white spots, not blindly that it is roundworm trouble. Actually, maybe related to the digestive system, but often because of the lack of relevant trace elements, even may be caused by a bubble after the nail injury. Nail malnutrition, timely supplement the necessary nutrients, the sooner found, the earlier treatment, do not miss the best treatment timing.

