

DIY Charming Red Purple Nail Art

I think red purple nail polish is hard to use, it is difficult to create an amazing idea with other colors. But today I will show this nail art with violet, red and silver. In fact, the effect is absolutely eyeful!

Step1:When the basic steps of the nail preparation are done, you should make one more prep-step – the application of the base.

Step2:When the base coat is dry, paint the nails with red purple glitter nail polish, if your red purple glitter nail polish isn’t opaque, you will have to apply a second layer for a better look. 

Step3:With a red needle tube pen, paint mesh shape as below.

Step4:In the red mesh, draw a diamond-shaped border with violet nail polish.

Step5:Close to the violet border,use a silver needle tube pen, paint as below.

Step6:When every strip is completely dry, you should lock the decoration with a thick layer of top coat. 

