

5 Essential Nail Art Tools

Do you want to learn how to spice up the look of your nails, beyond the simple nail polish? DIY nail art can create beautiful nails what you want. Today i will introduce some 5 essential nail tools for you.

Nail Art Tools:
1. Nail polish: a base coat (to prevent nail discolouration and allow your nail polish to glide on smoothly), nail polish, and a top coat (to ensure your manicure lasts for more than a day). Keep in mind to include dark and white shades as they are the most utilized ones. A quick drying top coat cos can save time and is so convenient to use, but it's also good to have a normal top coat or clear polish in hand for certain more complex nail designs.

2. Nail stickers: Nail symbolization stickers accompany solid adhesive support. You ought to apply them on dry nail polish and fasten them with a quick dry top coat.

3. Nail dotters: Nail dotters help create dot and circle patterns. You can choose the size of the dots you want to create, to start with, it'll be good to get your hands on one that has a medium sized round nib on one end and a small one on the other. Be careful not to use too much pressure, that may cause the dots to look deformed. Remember to clean them after use and dry thoroughly. These tools are made of metal and susceptible to rusting.

4. Nail decoration: glitter thin sequins, rhinestones, nail powder and more with different sizes, colors and states. They add bling bling and charm to your nail workmanship.

5. Nail brushes: The main types of brushes for nail art are fan-shaped brushes, flat brushes, flat angled brushes, thin brushes (for detail) and long stripers. 

Nail art drawing pen is also a nice choice.

Women love nail designs. However, while nail art is popular among women and many love it, there are few who do it themselves. Don't hesitate to do it now! 

